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what type of cat is mine?


Ok this cat is very big one of biggest ive seen, we have had her for 14 years so shes old, shes mean, she hisses and bites at every1 doesnt like to be touched and only petted on the head for like 10 seconds thats only way to touch her, ive never seen a cat that looks like her before what is she?


It looks to me as if Zella is a mixed breed, domestic short hair brown and white tabby... She is definitely a big girl, but as far as I can tell based on your photo I don't believe she has any specific breed... If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me again at any time - I'm more than happy to help in any way that I can.

Kind regards,


PS: the type of aggression you describe is often referred to as petting induced aggression or petting aggression and there are ways to help desensitize Zella so that she's less likely to injure someone.