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gray hairs on black cat


I adore my ten year old domestic black male cat and he has always been allowed to sleep on my bed mmostly next to my pillow.Recently two sparate eye surgeries forced me to keep him off my bed and he rebelled mightily by crying most of the night, pracically shredding my door with his claws,until for everyone's sake he was locked in the garage at night for about two weeks. He is now allowed back on my bed .(he never did give up crying ). I noticed his shoulders are peppered with white hairs!  Can cats stress out to a point their hair turns color ?   Yes, the garage is cold compared to the house but he had the company of our little female cat ,the water heater and lights. Any ideas? Thanks  

Hi Marise,

Cat's fur don't change colors like that. I would most likely say he rubbed up against something that transferred itself to his fur. He could have rubbed up against a can of paint you had in your garage. See how his fur is in two to three weeks. I think you will see it gone. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen