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Feral Cat is Sick



First of all thank you for answering one of my questions in the past about Ellie who suddenly died.  But now I have another problem, there is this other feral cat that I can handle who is sick.  The symptoms are:
Bad Breath
diarrhea (i think)
wants to eat all the time
not gaining any weight
getting very skinny
bloated stomach
my guess is that she either have worms (I hope) or FIP/Felv.  The thing is that I want to take her to the vet. but it will cost me couple hundreds of dollars.  which I think I will have to do but I was just wondering if you know of any low cost vet. places I can take her.  I called everywhere this morning and no vets will give me a discount on the cat.  I lived in NJ  zip code 08873.  Any advice would be greatly appreciate it.  Thank you


Since FIP and FeLV are, essentially untreatable, I would have the cat wormed by the vet.  It sure sounds like tape worm to me.  BTW, treating for worms is very, very inexpensive.  However, unless you can isolate the cat and provide a stool sample, testing could get a bit pricey.

Have you tried contacting your local Humane Society or Animal Control for a reasonably priced vet?

You might, also, try contacting Rene Knapp,


She may be able to help you find a vet in the NJ area.

Best regards... Norm.