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My cat ...


QUESTION: Hello, we found a cat she has to be a least 1 to 2 years old. Well she eats A LOT and than she starts meowing after she eats. I tried to give her away but I called the lady to see how she was doing and she said she hasn't moved from the spot for 4 hours! So I went to get her. Could something be wrong? It kind of scares me that she eats so much.

ANSWER: Hi Lisa,

If she was a stray she most likely didn't get much food to eat. How much are we talking about her eating? Let me know what she is eating and I'll let you know if it is a lot.

It sounds like she has bonded with you. You've made a friend for life there. Good luck and write back.

Ciao, Karen

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well I feed her Special Kitty dry food during the day and one can of wet food at night well she sucks down the dry food to where I feel horrible because she has no more food for the rest of the day and I give her more and she eats that as well. Yes she was a stray.

Hi Lisa,

First off change her dry food to a better brand. Purina One makes a pretty good supermarket brand. Feed her a can of wet food in the morning and leave out the dry in a self feeder so she can eat during the day. She may eat a lot during the first week or two but will taper off later. She will come to realize that her food will be there no matter what. She will be fine. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen