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Kitten not using her Cat Bed


I have 2 months old persian kitten. I have bought her cat bed to sleep on it but she is not using it at all. She sleeps on floor in night and on our bed in day time. How can I train her to sleep on her bed? I even tried her to sleep in Cardbord box but she likes floor and our bed. Please advise.


The bad news is that you cannot train her to use the cat bed.  She will use it if she wants to.  This is the way of cats. They will do things if they think it is their idea.

What you might try is to put some catnip in the cat bed and see if that attracts the kitten.  The kitten will still sleep where it wants, but it may take a different look at the cat bed. If she decides she likes it with the new enticement, then maybe she will begin using it more.

Best regards... Norm.