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Cat biting other cat


Hi. I got two cats. One is spayed and the other is not and is currently going through Heat. When the cat in heat gets close to the other cat, she's starts biting her. But the cat in heat seems not be hurt, but it still worries me. What do you make of it?


I think that the spayed cat is annoyed with the cat who is in heat. I have seen this behavior many times. The good thing is that once both cats are spayed you likely won't see that behavior again. The reason that the cat in heat is not upset by being bitten is because the male cat would grab her by the scruff of the neck before he mounted her. As I said, you should see return to normal behavior once both cats are spayed. I am sure that you can agree the mating behaviors of cats are quite annoying and the most humane thing is to spay and neuter to avoid the annoyance of unwanted behaviors and the contribution to pet overpopulation. By spaying and neutering your pets you are helping to contribute to responsible pet ownership and avoiding the euthanasia of at least one more litter of kittens. I hope that this answers your question. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.