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Not using litter box


I have two  cats. A female about six  and male about four.  They get along with each other real good. They are indoor cats and are fixed.We have two litter boxes and they are always clean. The male will use the box for awhile then start to use the floor in the room where the boxes are in, even when they were just cleaned. There are just two of us so its pretty quit and stress free.They always have fresh food and water and get alot of exercise. He seems to be very happy and   healthy. Thanks for any help.

if the litter boxes are in the same room it is likely that the male cat can smell the females usrine and this would cause him to feel the need to scent mark around his territory.

Eve if you keep the boxes real clean all the time cats have a very keen sense of smell and can react to even the tiniest whiff.

it is always recommend that litter boxes are kept separate from each other to avoid this issue.

if he continues to display this behaviour it may be an idea to give him a period of re litter training using the confinement method. it helps to build their confidence and re establishes their relationship with their own tray. the process is described here on my web site


best wishes Kate