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cat health


one of my cats has  hyperthyroidism.  he wants to eat all the time, has lost weight.  , he is about 12 yrs.old and this started about a year ago when we moved.   his heart is racing and he is now pulling his fur out with his teeth,  I am taking an educated guess that he is suffering from an over active thyroid gland. I will not stress him further by going to a vet or giving him medication, I am going to try adding lemon balm and a probiotic to his food. can you recommend what to feed him, I have been preparing rice and chicken which he likes, but the fur pulling and his skin irritation are worsening. is there anything I can apply to his skin that he can lick off. he has an allergy to fish oil and fish.

I had a cat with a thyroid condition. She had an operation to remove one of the thyroid glands and she lived on until she was 17.

I am sorry but I do not know of something you can put on her skin as you asked. All I can say is that the vet can help her and this could make her life much happier for many years.

best wishes Kate