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why does my kitten keep peeing on the bed


My kitten
My kitten  
my 7-8 week old kitten has been peeing on the bed every night for the past 6 days. my sister wakes up i n the middle of the night with pee on her (kitten pee). im almost 100% sure the kittens a boy. can you please tell me why my kitten keeps peein on my bed and if theres anyway to prevent it, and if so, how? he knows to go to his litter when it comes to pooping sovicdont understand why he keeps peeing in my bed.

Hi Nirvana,

He is just the cutest thing! Cats don't really go through much active training to use a litter box. They may see mom use it and agree it's a fine place to go, but they don't receive the same reinforcement that "this is where you MUST go" that puppies do during formal housebreaking. So in his mind, all he's looking for is a place to go where his waste will "disappear" (leaving less of a trail for predators, and keeping things tidy). His stool needs to be buried, but his urine will disappear into anything absorbent. So bedding and carpeting seem like appropriate choices to him. In order to train him otherwise, you'll really need to make these items unavailable to him. He'll need to sleep in a small area with his litter box but with no carpet or bedding (like a puppy that is not housebroken) for a while. A bathroom will work, or a dog crate if you have one. When he is let out for play time, he should be watched carefully to prevent accidents. Most kittens are using the box consistently in a week or two.

Look to your litter and be sure it's something he likes. If it's too rough on his feet, he might be using the covers because they're softer. Most cats like clumping litter. Also, I would recommend using two litter boxes. Surprisingly, almost all cats like to use one for poop and one for pee.

Good luck!