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Additional info about the possbile norwegian



Edmund at 4 months
I forgot to mention. Edmund has extremely long back legs. So long that he walks with his legs slightly out. He also has very long toes with extremely rounded paws. I can't stress just how patient this cat is. Thanks! Kacy


To augment my previous answer, I still think Edmund is mostly Maine Coon.  However, here are links to breed profiles of the other two recognized forest cats, the Norwegian and the Siberian.

The Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest Cat and Siberian are the three forest cat breeds recognized by The Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc. (CFA).

The Maine Coon has a longer rectangular shaped muzzle, an oblong shaped head (as seen from the top) and ears that sit a bit higher on the head.  The Maine Coon has a longer rectangular body.

The Norwegian has a triangular muzzle on a triangular shaped head with ears that tend to flare a bit more outward.  The Norwegian body is stocky and very thick from the side, almost squarish.

The Siberian is in between the Maine Coon and the Norwegian in conformation.

All forest cats should have powerful wide chests and usually take 3-5 years to totally mature.

I hope this sheds some more light on what may be behind Edmund.

Best regards... Norm.