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brother and sister loss of cat (16 years)


Jesse on Xmas 2009, Rest in peace.
Jesse on Xmas 2009, Re  
kate -

my name is ryan, i've grown up the past 16 years with two tabby cats, a male and female brother and sister. yesterday, the male climbed into my bed like normal, licked me a few times as he always does, and then passed away beside me minutes later. it's such a huge loss, i feel that it will never get easier. i miss him so much already. my question is, does the sister (ariel) know that her brother (jesse) has passed away? what do we do? thank you so much for helping.  love, ryan in philadelphia

Dear Ryan

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. i know how painful it can be, i lost my old cat last year and i thought my heart was breaking in two. But believe me it does get easier with time.

As for your other cat, yes she will miss him being around. You must understand that a cats understanding of death is very different from ours. It is likely that she doesn't understand death but will simply notice him not being around and this will cause her the same sadness. This is natural and will pass.

I have a web page all about cat grief and how they deal with it which you may find of further interest here


Dear Ryan be assured that it will get easier but grieving for your cat is a natural and healthy thing to do. After all he has been a apart of your life and family for many years.

best wishes Kate