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Multiple Cat Problems


Hi Ali,
I had 2 cats (Mac 1.5 yrs and Docious 1.5 yrs), my boyfriend had 2 Cats (Havoc 7 yrs old and Otis 4 yrs old ).  We moved in together and introduced our cats according to what the experts advised. The problem is with Havoc.  He is a very moody cat and my boyfriends favorite one.  He gets along with Otis (he has been around Otis since he(Otis) was a kitten.  Havoc is very emotional he has no problem yowling and growling at Mac and Docious.  Docious is large and will make Havoc back down pretty easily.  Mac is the youngest and is not as skilled at fighting.  He will engage Havoc and not back down from a fight.  He has been bit through both ears, this last Saturday he got scratched in the eye and required a $180.00 trip to pet emergency.  Havoc growls and tenses at the sight of Mac.  He will try to fight with him rather that let him cross his path in the hallway.  He will not let up even when Mac is taking a submissive position. Don't get me wrong Mac will come up and stare at Havoc when he is sitting on the couch relaxing. Havoc is declawed and despite thatseems to be extremely agressive and vocal towards Mac and Docious who have claws, especially Mac. Havoc seems to think he is second in command next to my boyfriend and can do what he wants to Mac. My boyfriend says that it is because Havoc was beat up by gangs of cats when he was a stray. (I can see why they would beat him up with that attitude)  We have tried Feliway, Water bottle, positive reinforcement.  We are at a loss and don't know what to do.  I am absolutely desperate.  Mac almost lost his eye and I can't have that happen again.  My boyfriend loves Havoc with all his heart, I love Havoc too but I love my cats as well.  I can't help but feel the chaos in the house is coming from Havoc.  The other cats get along very very well. Please help us all I cannot convey how desperate I am.  Thank you.


Are all of the cats neutered? If not that will certainly improve interactions in your house. If the cats are all neutered you could try a homeopathic remedy called Bach's Rescue Remedy. Rescue Remedy is a blend of flower essences that generally has a calming effect. You can generally find Rescue Remedy at health food/natural health stores. I would recommend that you try a dosage of about 10 drops per day in fresh water. If Rescue Remedy doesn't have any effect after 2 weeks or so you may want to discuss anti anxiety medications with your vet. Be forewarned that anti anxiety medications are not without side effects. You should also be aware that declawed cats are more likely to make preemptive strikes if they feel threatened in the form of  biting. Another recommendation I can make is to put the cat who is new to the household into a room with a door and make sure that he has all of the kitty amenities such as food, water, toys, litter and a bed. You can try to reintroduce the new kitty to the resident cat after about 2 weeks. In some cases this will help the cats to have a chance to settle down a bit and take more kindly to each other's presence. I would suggest that if you are finding that anti anxiety medications and Rescue Remedy have no effect you may need a referral to a behaviorist. An animal behaviorist has several years of education behind them relating to the treatment of the severe aggression issues that you are experiencing. Hopefully this advice helps. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again. Please feel free to keep me posted and I will try to do what I can to help.