Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > my 10 week old cat is very violent

my 10 week old cat is very violent


hi my name is natasha
i am writing to you to tell you about my 10 week old cat he is ginger and not spayed he hasn't really gone outside yet his name is snoopy i got him when he was 7 weeks old its just about 1 week ago he started getting violent he was breed with a brother and sister he is ginger hes parents are brother and sister i don't know if that has something to do with it. i play with him all day and wen i turn him on his back playing with him he seems to bit and scratch very hard i am covered with holes in my hands because of his teeth he goes mad he chases my other 3 year old cat around the house and he is very violent toward all living things when i am playing with him i stroke him and he attacks me i don't know what to do with him he bites very very hard
please help me i need it i'm only 12

Hi Natasha,

With a small little kitten they need play time to learn how to play, something they are allowed to scratch on - no you!, and also time to learn how to fight.  This is normal for a kitten.  Make sure you have some toys that you can throw to your Ginger and have him play rough with.  

Your cat may not like having his belly touched, so do not make this part of your play time with him.  They do like petting around their ears, both sides of their whiskers because that is where they have scent glands and can pick up your nice scent.  Just be very kind when you are petting him, and let him play rough with his toys only.  Over time when he is older, he will not play so hard with his other cats in your family.  

I found that a simple piece of rope is good for them.  You can drag it on the ground and let them chase it, catch it with their claws or mouth.  When you cat has this in his mouth, do not pull.  You do not want to pull out any of his teeth, but when he has his claws on the rope, pull just a little bit.  When your time to only pet him, put him on your lap and pet him softly but not on his belly.  Make sure when he get's rough, you put him down and give him other toys he can get rough with.  Teach him that when he is on your lap for petting, that is his time to be nice!

Good luck Natasha, and thank you for caring about your kitten!
