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kitten and adult cat


Hi i have rescued a stray male kitten,about 7 months i would guess but i have a nearly 7 year old neutered male cat as well,things ant to bad at the moment as the kitten was spending a lot of time in my garden and sleeping in my shed at night so think my cat got used to it a bit. i have now had the kitten living in the house for the last week as i felt so sorry for it how it was living and it is in its element. my cat hisses and paws it but there is no fighting at the moment  but i am frightened to death that my older cat will disappear and not come back as a few years ago i got a female kitten which was 5 months old and after 2 weeks my older cat disappeared for a few days then wouldn't come in the house only to be fed so i had no choice but to take this kitten back to the rescue Centrex. he is a lot better with this kitten than he ever was with the other one,eating,playing with his toys and he goes out a night and is waiting to come in every morning but i don't want him to do the same as  before and go off.the kitten is off to the vets next week to be neutered.What do you think?   thanks kim


There is no guarantee that they will get along, but it does sound promising.

What I would do is to pay extra attention to your older cat and ply him with lots of extra treats, especially when the new kitten is around.  Have him think of the new kitten as a good thing for which he gets rewarded!!!!!  Cats do get jealous and this may help go a long way towards acceptance.

Best regards... Norm.