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my cat recently had cat cystitis, i went to the vets and my cat was put on a course of antibiotics,and the infection was cleared up, but recently i have caught my cat weeing on my clothes and on a bit on carpet underlay, i have noticed that this is not the same as when she had the infection because now she is weeing like she would in her litter box and there is a large amount and it doesn't smell like cat wee it smells more like human wee, I'm very concerned that my cat may have a serious health problem,my boyfriend seems to think that the cat is just not very clean but she does use her litter tray and it is cleaned regularly. i would be very grateful for any help .

Hello Honey,

You are right and your boyfriend is wrong!

Cystitis (bladder infection) can be very stubborn and even after antibiotics sometimes they flare up again or the burning and pain sensations continue. Also, once your cat has suffered from cystitis, sometimes they associate the litter box with the pain they had while urinating.

The best course of action is to first make sure the infection is not still there if it was a bacterial infection - sometimes some bacteria survive and continue a low grade infection. Take your cat back to the vet and have the urine tested again. Even if the bacteria are gone, the inflammation and irritation in the bladder and urethra take time to go away. Ask your vet about giving Cosequin, a joint supplement, which can also help reduce inflammation in the bladder and urethra:

Also you should feed your cat only canned food. Dry food creates a concentrated urine and makes urinary tract problems worse. Increase your cat's water intake by feeding canned food and offering fresh, filtered or spring water at all times. I recommend the grain-free brands such as Wellness and Nature's Variety. Here is some more information on feeding your cat to prevent urinary and other problems:

Here is a very good article by Dr. Pierson about cystitis - scroll down on this link to cystitis:

Because your cat may associate the litter box with terrible pain, she thinks that if she goes pee in there it will hurt. So, get a new litterbox, try a different brand of litter, and move the box to a slightly different location. This might help break her association between that box and pain.

Try using the Feliway plug-in diffuser and/or spray. Feliway helps reduce anxiety and inappropriate urination by cats, it mimics relaxing pheromones that cats exude from their cheek glands. Spraying doorways and furniture with Feliway can help deter them from urinating in those areas. The plug-in diffuser creates a constant release of Feliway, the spray is best for local and immediate but short-term effect. Get the spray to apply to any spots your cat has urinated - but only apply the Feliway AFTER you have cleaned the urine as explained below. The spray and diffuser work well used together. It is not detectable by humans at all (the spray smells like rubbing alcohol when you first use it, but that quickly evaporates). It is sold in most pet stores and online, for example at

Finally it is very important to thoroughly clean the urine smell or your cat will continue to pee in those spots. Try an enzyme cleaner (I use Nature's Miracle) available at pet stores for cat urine. You need to soak the area thoroughly and allow it to dry naturally. When dry, the smell will be gone even to your cat. Just washing your clothes will still leave a detectable smell to your cat.

You are right, your cat is not doing this because she is not clean or because she is mad at you or anything. If you've ever had a bladder infection yourself you will know how painful it is, but probably your boyfriend has not suffered the same thing. Your cat can't understand what is happening, she may think the litterbox may be hurting her, and her only way of telling you something is still wrong is by urinating on your clothes. It is difficult to deal with, but I hope if you try all these suggestions your cat will be feeling better soon and you will have urine-free clothes.

PS I also avoid all strong-smelling cleaners around cats. Many can be toxic and they also draw cats to urinate near them. Don't use bleach, pine sol, or strong smelling fabric softeners.

Good luck!