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older cat and kitten


I have a five year old female cat  - I decided I would get her a friend so now there's an 8.5 week old little male kitty in hour house. I've had the kitty for a couple days - he seems sort of comfortable on mhy lab but he won't stop hiding behind the couch and he hasn't eaten or drank anything in the last couple of days. He hasn't even gone to the bathroom and I'm really scared. My other cat, she just hisses at him  if he ever sees her. She's actually a super friendly cat... what should I do???

Hi Asli,

Put a litter box near where he is hiding and also his food and water. He will come out at night when all is quiet to eat and use the litter box. All is new and frightening to him. Just as long as he is responding to you you don't have to worry. It will just take a little time for him and your older guy to get used to each other. You can rub each one with a towel to transfer their scents to each other. This helps. Give them about two weeks and all will be ok. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen