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Cat pees outside litter box


We got our cat, Rascal, about two years ago from the humane society to give our other cat, Ty (who's now about 5#, some company.  When we got him, he was about one year old.  Nine months after we got him, we moved from South Carolina to Pennsylvania.  Near the end of last year, after we've been living here for about a year and a half, he started peeing downstairs.  We hadn't had any problems with him until then.  We've tried almost everything.  We've moved the food away from the litter boxes #we now have two).  We've gotten Special Kitty Urinary Tract Infection food.  We've put tin foil down where he pees.  We've used multiple spray products that claim to get rid of the stains and keep the cat from peeing in that spot again.  For a little while, we had been letting him outside and it seemed to work, but it's started to snow really bad and he can't get far off the deck.  Nothing seems to work for long.  He keeps peeing in the same spots, but now on the tin foil.  Our house is on the market, so we can't afford to have him keep peeing on the carpet, but we don't want to get rid of him.  What can we do to make him stop?

Hi Shawn,

Have you had your cat checked to see what could be wrong with him physically? usually when a cat changes litter box habits it means that something is wrong with him. What stuff have you been using to keep him from urinating in the same spots? There are only a few that work. Have you tried this stuff? This works pretty good. You can get it at PetSmart.
You can also try a product called Feliway Comfort Zone. This also works to help cats with that problem. Write back and let me know about what I asked. I would get him to the vet though and get a check up first. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen