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Shes gone crazy


I have a tortoise shell cat around 4 years old. About a week ago she gave birth to at least 3 stillborn kittens. There could have been more but I seen 3 for sure. She had them in the litter box and buried them. Since then she has been hissing, and attacking the our other cats and our large dogs whom which she used to run from. She then attacked my daughter's friend's leg while the girls were feeding the cats. If the girl wasn't wearing rubber boots I'm sure she would have been cut and bleeding. What could be causing this change in personality? Has she gone crazy? will she go back to normal or do we need to have her put down? I can't have a mean cat in our house and I can't give a mean cat to anyone else for them to be hurt. What should we do with her?

Hi Shay,
There are a few reasons for her behavior. She has a lot of maternal hormones going on in her. She is in protecting mother stage right now. She should go back to her old self soon though. I would have her checked over by a vet also. Make sure that all is well with her. Having that many stillborns is a good sign that all might not be right with her, And this would also explain her behavior. Also take a look around for live kits. She may be protecting some hidden ones. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen