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how much should a kitten eat


I recently found a small kitten about 4-5 weeks old (I'am judging she's very small but has teeth. I've had her for about 5 hrs. She hasn't eaten anything since I've found her. I've tried to give her Store bought cats milk (formula) with a bottle, and in a small cup. I'm not sure what I need to do. I'm at a loss. She is very active and vocal. I bought kitten chow and also wet that down with water and she has no interest. any suggestions

If your kitten has teeth it is likely that they are over 4 weeks old. He may not yet have become familiar with how to eat solid food. At this age they should be eating a mixture of milk and solid food. There are special kitten food formulas available.
It may be that you will have to feed them with a pipette with milk and with solid food provide them with small amounts during the day. You may have to encourage them by placing it on your finger at first.
See my Kitten care page

Best wishes
