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Cat pregnancies and Complications during birth.


Yes, my name is Justin. My cat gave birth saturday at 11am and didn't have the 2nd one till 9am sunday morning. She still is carrying one kitten. The first kitten was still born and the second was a breech birth. When we delivered the 2nd kitten it was about 7 inches long and it was a still born. The third one still hasn't come yet and my cat has a red and brown discharge coming from her vagina. What do think could of possibly happened to her? I don't know if this helps, but my younger brother hit her in the stomach.

I'm so sorry Justin, but your younger brother may have caused your cat to miscarry the entire litter. There is a very high likelihood that the kittens were not full term and the injury to the cat caused a spontaneous abortion.

Your cat needs to go to the vet to make sure that she isn't contracting a fever or infection from this complicated birth.

My thoughts are with you.