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Death of cat within 5 minutes


First off, thank you for reading this.  I know no-one can definitely answer this question, I am just trying to better understand what happened.  Last Thursday, I was having coffee on my screened in patio, my just-turned 4-year-old cat was at the door wanting to come out.  Shortly after, I saw a little commotion, and then his feet upside down (like the position when playing with another cat).  Perhaps a minute later, I heard a loud and long meow.  I went to the door and found my cat seemingly paralyzed with his legs in the OPPOSITE direction.  I checked his head, he could not hold it up.  He could not wag his tail.  He had a little bit of fluid (not excessive) in his nostrils.  I ran to put on my clothes to take him to the vet and came back and he was dead.  I have been trying to understand what happened to him.  No symptoms.  No recalled foods.  There was a table and chair next to where he passed and another cat in the chair.  I perhaps thought he was challenging this cat for the chair and fell awkwardly landing on his head, neck, or pelvis in a way to have broken it when landing.  Vet books do not indicate an instant death if this happens.  Sure enough, he was gone within about 5 minutes from my seeing his feet in the opposite direction.  He has two sisters, and they are terribly mourning, and I just do not know what to think.  Thanks.  I tried to research perhaps a spider bite.  I could only find snake bites causing paralysis and death.  No snakes in the house.  Again, no symptoms, healthy eyes, healthy coat, typical playful behavior.  Michelle

I have a copy of the book Animals on the Other Side by Sylvia Browne. I find it very comforting to read. You can find it in the children's section at bookstores like Borders. Or  It cheers me up when I miss my pets that have crossed over.

I'm not a vet..I can only speculate that animals can have strokes, seizures, brain anureisms, etc just like people.
We had a friend who went outside to his mailbox and dropped dead and it turned out to be some sort of brain hemorrhage.
I just mention this because my guess is that things like this can unfortunately happen to pets too.

I guess if you were rich you could have an autopsy done to find the exact cause. Do you think it would be more comforting if you knew why?  I don't know.. But you can rest assured that
God gives animals souls too (not the same as ours since they are innocent) and they too enjoy Heaven and you will see all
your pets again one day. The Bible itself has lots of evidence of this.. and also the book I mentioned was very comforting to me when I had to put 2 of my cats to sleep last year (for the very first time my experience with going to the vet and the entire process)  

I know how tough this is for you and just ignore the dumb people who say "its just an animal." They don't realize that God loves ALL his creatures.