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Cat breed.



When I adopted my cat I was told that they weren't quite sure what breed he was, but they thought he was a manx. Which made sense because of his tail or lack of one, haha. I was told a few days ago that he resembled a turkish angora. So now, I'm wondering if maybe he's a manx and turkish angora mix. His eyes and behavior resemble a turkish angora, but he also has some similarities with the manx breed. I was wondering what your opinion might be.


This coloration (odd eyed white; i.e. 1 green eye, 1 blue eye) is perfectly good Manx coloration.

So, I would suspect that, since there is Manx already in the feral population and virtually no Turkish Angora in the feral cat population, there is probably no Turkish Angora behind your cat.

Best regards... Norm.