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Cat licking


I adopted Maya from the Humane Society in September, 2009.  Her birtdate was listed as September, 2008.  I have a feeling this is a guess.  She weighed only 6 pounds, but didn't seem "skinny".  I think she was a little bit younger and hadn't really "filled out" yet.  She definitely isn't a lap cat, but likes to be around me.  I'm retired so I'm home most of the time.  About a month after bringing her home she started licking me.  I didn't see this as a problem, but she then began licking EVERYTHING, my purse, computer monitor, closet door track, bedding, boxes, you name it, if she can reach it she will lick it for quite some time.  It seems to be OCD, but I don't know what brought it on and how to help her.  I recently moved and then had to leave town for a week, so I can understand her stress level at the moment, but she is not licking any more than before.  It DOES grate on me and I'm concerned she may lick something that will hurt her.  Do you have any ideas why she is doing this, and if I can offer her something to stop or reduce this behavior.  The only items she has damaged are a sweater and the edge of the duvet cover which would touch my face and body.

Hi Linda,

Excessive licking like that is a sign of stress in your cat. Try some Feliway Comfort Zone. It might help. It mimics a cat's happy pheromones. Also get some bitter apple or bitter orange spray. Use this where you don't want her to lick. Get her some catnip. This helps. And try some interactive toys. Quality time goes a long way to destress your cat. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen