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dumped kittens


QUESTION: Yesterday i found kittens that had been dumped on the side of the road and i was wondering is it okay to feed them carnation milk?

ANSWER: Hi Jessica, Carnation canned milk is ok if you add some water and some corn syrup to it. (about a tablespoon per 1/2 cup of milk) The best is to feed them a milk replacement that is available in pet stores. Do you know how old they are? Would they be old enough to start on some canned food?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: they are about 2-3 weeks old, we tried hard food and they seem to eat it okay is it okay if i start to wean them?

yes, They can be weaned. They will not need a bottle but they still will need LOTS of milk as part of their diet. You can used canned carnation and mix it in with their dry food plus leave a small saucer of milk with them at all times.
Good luck !