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i have a cat


I have a cat he sprays everywhere, I have a 5 year old daughter. I was wondering does the urine from him spra ying cause any health problems. HE has sprayed the couch and she always falls asleep on it first we try to get as much of the smell out but it lingers,

Hi Erica,

While urine is sterile while still in the bladder once it is urinated or sprayed it can easily pick up bacteria that can grow and cause health problems for those who come in contact with it.  I would clean the areas he has sprayed very thoroughly with an enzymatic cleaner such as "Nature's Miracle" (which can be found at your pet store along with other, similar, cleaners).  You also need to stop the spraying.  If he's not fixed, and the majority of "sprayers" are not, then that's your first order of business.  It will take a couple of weeks probably for him to get the testosterone out of his system but he should stop spraying after that.  If he is already fixed and especially if this is a new behavior then you'll want to get him in for a check up with the vet as he may be trying to tell you that he has a bladder infection.  Antibiotics could clear that up and stop your spraying problem.