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caring for my kittens

20 16:46:52

hi, well the kittens seem to be really healthy now and cute. the kittens r about 3 weeks now , but i tried giving them meat today and they seemed to like it , and they started eating from my hand, but i am not sure if i should start giving them meat now , because there is only adult cat food in my country, and i am even not sure how much to give them in a day.
i have two kittens a brown one and a cream one , i noticed since the first days the cream one hisses , when we first touch her , it is like she is shocked or something i tought she might get over this but she still does this when she is sleeping and i come to touch her she sarts hissing maby to defend herself or maby that is how she sneezes, but it seems more like she is frightened then snezing. can u please help me to solve this or tell me what is wrong with her cos we still didnt take the 2 kittens to the vet, and the vet is really far.

thanx 4 all the information u gave me , cos now my kittens are really healthy and thanx to u.

    Actually, everything seems normal.  In general, most young kittens will hiss at anything they're not used to.  My kitten, Shasta hissed at me all the time during her first few weeks of life.  It's really nothing to worry about.  In time, she should get used to the world around her and cease the urge to defend herself all the time.  
    As far as food goes, although kitten food is typically recommended, adult cat food will do just fine.  You'll probably want to start them off with soft food, since kittens this young cannot yet crunch dry food.  I wouldn't recommend giving them human food very often, as too much of this in their daily diet can result in deficiencies, which in turn result in a variety of different ailments, ranging from mild to fatally severe cases.  Also, always make sure to have fresh water nearby, for when the kittens want to try it.
    I'm pleased that everything is working out, and remember that I'll always welcome more questions, so don't ever hesitate to ask again.

Best of Success,