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weaning mum from kittens


Our cat has two kittens which are 8wks and healthy they are eating and drinking on their own but mum is good mum and keeps constant meowing to call the kittens to her and will lie in front of them to try to get them to feed off her. What can we do to help her let go? She seems upset that her babies are venturing out on their own she does try to pick them up and bring them back to her wee nest but they are a adventurous for her now.

Hi Rona,

8 weeks is still within the nursing window. By ten weeks most cats will be finished with their kits. You can wait until then or just keep her separate from them. The kits are basically taking the matter in their own paws. They are venturing out. And they aren't nursing. I wouldn't worry. She will lose interest in them in a week or so. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen