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Cat keeps biting neck of new kitten



my babys
Hiya I have adopted a new kitten (female 8weeks) into my home. I already had a 1 year old male house cat who has not yet been neutered. Upon introducing them i bought her home in the carry cage and placed her in the middle of the front room for about an hour and he sniffed around but didn't seem to bothered about her being there. I opened the cage and let her out supervising as they smelt each other. She was not bothered by him at all but he started following her every move. I'm little unsure as to weather he is playing or not but here is what he has been doing: He follows her everywhere when she stops for a drink etc he goes up behind her smells her bottom licks her back and then trys to bite her on the scruff of her neck when she trys to move away. which she then reacts to by trying to claw him and things get a little heated. He HAS NOT hissed at her once and when we separate them he seems to be really 'meowy'... she trys to play with him but then it looks like he is getting too rough, like he doesn't know she is playing, and when she darts across the front room he chases her and knocks her over and trys to claw her, maybe its the size difference but I'm not sure. Also when he follows her he claws her bottom as if to get her to stop so he can resume the sniffing/licking and then biting when she trys to get away. We have given him loads of attention, praising him and giving him treats. They are in different rooms but we have been bringing her in for short intervals a few times a day and keeping them under constant supervision. And taking in turns to give each of them attention. He is not off his food, still using his litter tray correctly and has shown no other signs of aggressive behavior towards me or my partner. Obviously I am aware it will take time for him to be used to her and to expect a few scraps. She doesn't really seem like its hurting her as she keeps trying to play with him but I just don't know where to draw the line between him trying to play/show dominance or him just trying to hurt her. I love him so much he is my world and has seen me through some really stressful situations the last thing i want to do is make him hate me and for the kitten to get hurt, I would really appreciate any advice you have to offer and as you have 13 cats in home I was curious as to weather any of your cats presented the same behavior.

Many Thanks,
Leanne :)

Hi Leanne,

He is checking her out. You are doing all the right things. He is a little over aggressive but that is because he is unfixed. If you get him fixed you will save yourself a world of problems later. Make sure his nails are cut back. This way he can't accidentally catch her. Leave hers alone. She needs them. Some of the play will sound painful. It is better to err on the side of caution and separate them if you feel things are getting out of hand. Here's a link to cat intro protocols. You are doing pretty much what they say. But you might find something extra that you can use.

He is also approaching her as a male towards a female. Fixing him will stop that. Females can go into heat as young as 4 months old. And he will know. As she gets older you will have territorial behavior on his part.

For now you can try some Feliway Comfort Zone. This mimics a cats happy pheromones and relaxes them. They sound like they are on the way to being great friends. It will take a little time. But get him fixed!
Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen