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Hi! Adding a baby kitten to my family & ...


I'm new here & I am also recovering from the January loss of my long time love of my life Llhaso Alpso Ragz! But I have a question re: Cats!
While Ragz was alive we got a male kitten (all black). He is very aggressive and playful! Since Ragz died he has been king of the house and bored. He is a big (not fat) breed of a cat! Well last night on an impulse I brought home a feral kitten. To save its life. It is about 5-6 weeks old. Not a bit shy! So playfuyl! I am bottle feeding it. My question is do I need to worry about the adult male one hurting the baby? He is VERY interested in it and keeps playing with it. The baby keeps trying to be near & love & play w/ the big one. Do I need to look out for something? Tyson (the big one) is totally fascinated w/ the kitten. Sneaking around & spying like. Even curling up by it. Thankx! Terri

Hi Terri,

At 5-6wks old the kitten is probably really tiny, I wouldn't keep them seperated completely but I would only allow them together while supervised at least for a couple more weeks.    The older cat sounds like he is being very gentle with the kitten but males especially don't have the mothering instinct and may not know he needs to take it easy with the kitten.  BUT, it is also good that this little one has another cat in his life to teach him the ropes as being away from his mother and littermates so early on has him missing out on a lot of important traingin, hopefully your older cat will take over :)

If the kitten is that old you shouldn't have to bottle feed a good quality wet food should be just fine.  Kittens start eating solids at 3wks of age.

Good luck!

Chenza Maine Coons,