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Cat Puke!


My cat (7 mos) was vomiting white foam yesterday.  After an internet search, I realized she must have swallowed something she shouldn't have.  It happened to be thread.  Once the thread was out of her system,she puked a few more times.  Today she seems very lethargic.  I have been giving her water via an oral plunger.  The vet is not open today (Sunday) or tomorrow (holiday).  Do you think this is just a residual side effect of the thread incident?
Should I seek a vet hospital?


I would recommend that this kitty be assessed by a vet immediately even if that requires a trip to the emergency vet clinic. It's quite possible that this kitty has more thread somewhere in her system, it could be tangled in her digestive tract and she may require immediate surgical intervention. If you are in Canada the new holiday may not affect vet clinics.