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Unusual female cat behavior


6 yr. old female Calico likes to pull robe belts down , hold in her mouth, dragging between back legs,meowing like crazy, just wondering around room, hunched over, something really weird looking and sounding.  Pls, do you have any explanation.  Thanks in advance.

Actually, it's not that unusual.  Lots of cats will do this with socks, undies, toys - anything they can drag around.  I have one that did it with a bath towel.

Some cats collect the things in one spot, often a food bowl or bed.  In the case where they bring it to their bed, mothering behavior is generally the agreed upon explanation.  If they drop the items in their food or water bowl, it appears they're treating it as prey they're bringing back to store in their safe eating spot.  Either way, it can be considered normal behavior.  

If she isn't spayed, however, she may be experiencing a false pregnancy, and she's acting out her mothering instincts with these "babies".  Having her spayed would be best for her health.