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Cats-Stress related inappropriate elimination

20 16:45:49

We are in the process of moving from Japan to Massachusetts and have 2 Persian-Chinchilla male cats, both 2 years old from the same litter.  While the movers were here and after they left, Oscar was extremely anxious, would not come out of hiding, and you could feel his heart pounding through his chest.  At 4am this morning, he began to cry, but we thought it would be best to ignore him since he often starts crying at 5 am or so. After sporadic crying and his coming into the room, he came onto the bed and urinated on me and the bed.  This has never happened before (no improper elimination of any kind).  He has continued to hide.  We understand this is going to be a stressful time for him.  How can we help him get through this, but also not have to be up all night with him, and prevent future inappropriate elimination?  Thanks.

you need to leave things laying around with comforting odors on them. like any blankets he sleeps on..and believe it or not....a pair of your husbands underwear after he has worn them all day...leave them laying on the floor. i know it sounds nasty, but male cats seem to find comfort in the "male" smell in a man's underwear.
otherwise there isnt much you can do other then the normal things you used to do before you moved. im sure the time change will be a hard thing for him to deal with, but he will be fine eventually. you might want to go ahead and find a vet and have a first check up now. he is probably fine, but it couldnt hurt.