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False Pregnancy


I have 2 female cats, neither one of them are fixed.  I believe one, who has had 3 litters, had a false pregnancy but it dissipated in the amount of time that something like that lasts.  I also believe my other female cat, who has never gotten pregnant, had a false pregnancy, but as her stomach was going down she started leaking a dull yellowish discharge.  It took about a month for that to go away, and I suppose it's been a few weeks since that has stopped, but now she is bleeding.  Is this something I should be worried about, or will this too pass?  I greatly appreciate your time >^..^<  

Hi Nicole.  I honestly think that this is something that you should refer to your vet.  Usually any discoloration is a sign that there is an infection or something slightly wrong inside... just like with us.  If your little one is now bleeding and it's different than when she's in season, I'd be calling the vet the first chance I had, and probably take both of your girls in.  
I'd also recommend getting both of your girls spayed.  This procedure greatly reduces the amount of concern that you will have for them in that area, and reduces the amount of infections, their risk of certain types of cancers, etc.  Call your vet on Monday, make an appointment for both of your girls.  
Good luck, and let me know what happens!