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cats and chewing


Hi.  My lovely ladies are now almost 5 years old.  They are indoors cats.  Ever since they were kittens, they chewed fabric.  All sorts, but mostly clothing, blankets and anything "fuzzy."  My friends' clothing, mine, my blankets etc.  I asked the vet and she didn't offer any help.  I looked online for answers of what to do and I find that I did all that, including, buying fuzzy toys, stuffed animals and lots of other things.  Please help.  I can't have friends overnight because they will chew their clothing.  I have to be super neat because any clothing or blankets get chewed.  Thanks a lot.   Sue

Hi Sue.  The best thing that you can do is to have a little squirt bottle in your rooms.  When you see your cat going towards the item and starting to chew, give them a little squirt with the water.  They won't like it, and after a few times, they will start to get the message that when I chew something like this, I get squirted with water and I don't want to be squirted with water, so I should stop chewing my mom's clothes.  

Failing that, you could spray your clothes with a mixture of vinegar and water, but that could damage your fabrics.  I'd definitely try the squirt bottle first... after a couple of weeks you should find the chewing of your clothes has dropped dramatically.

Good luck!