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Cleft Lip



Cleft Lip Kitty
Hi Ali,
I have a cat that's 11 months old and I want to go get her spayed, but I'm not sure if the vets will get annoyyed I didn't take her in earlier for surgical treatment for her cleft lip. She lives a normal life and all, but I'm not sure if you have to get them fixed or not and I was just wondering if I would dissapoint to vets or if injuries can occur if I do not get her cleft lip treated. Her right lip goes into her nose, and her nose is slighty rotated, she has no problem eating, drinking, etc, but is there a danger to not getting it treated?
Thanks, Kaley.


So long as your kitty's cleft lip doesn't extend into her palate I don't see why your vet would have a problem with leaving it as it is since a cleft lip that doesn't extend into the palate or nasal passages is a cosmetic defect. Without the vet performing a thorough exam of your kitten's nose and mouth you won't know for sure whether or not she'll need corrective surgery, but getting her spayed is a priority as this has a number of health and behavioural benefits and the earlier it is done the better off she'll be. If you have any further cat related questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me again - I'm more than happy to help in any way that I can.

Kind regards,
