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1 day after delivery 1 kitten


I wrote to Teresa last nite - Question
I was in the bath and heard my cat crying at the door.  Approx 30 mins later I let her in, she was calling (she normally calls my other cat) but after a while I realized that something was up.   She's quite small and has recently lost her extra 'winter coat' but I had an idea she was pregnant (I  found her by a river in jan last year when she was about 3 weeks old, even though she comes into the house, she's a bit feral)   About 4 hours ago she had a kitten and now seems content and is eating but only when I put the food into her bed.   Is it possible she had another outside and left it there?

Hi Faye, Well what a surprise this must be for you! It is unlikely she had one outside and left it. Cats have strong maternal instincts and it very very unusual to see a cat leave it's newborn kittens. I think she was calling because of the pain. So, she was actually crying during the labour contractions. Usually cats like to be near you when they are in labour. It is possible she still has more kittens to come, but you had said you weren't even sure she was pregnant so I am assuming she was not very big. If she doesn't come back into labour and doesn't pass another kitten within 12 hours of the first then it is unlikely she has any more in her. As long as she is eating and drinking and taking care of the kitten she has.. I would not worry about her!

I'm just wondering how my cat should be behaving and whether there should be any trace of placenta (there's a blood stain in her bed)  She has went outside to poo twice and is eating, although it took me to spoon feed her initially.  She's letting me press her belly and is feeding the kitten.     She's purring but seems lethargic.   Is this normal


Teresa's answer was right on the money!!!!!!

It is normal for a mom to hemorrhage for a few days after kittening.  She is probably tired from having her kittens.  I would keep an eye on her.  I would think she is just content to lie there and nurse as opposed to being truly lethargic.  During the first couple of days, they will stay very close to the kittens.

I assume, when the kitten is weaned, you will have her spayed?

Best regards... Norm.