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Help with a manx


i have a three year old male manx. That doesn't get along with other animals. Is there anything I can do to help him to adjust to a puppy? He has attacked every other animal that we have tried to bring into our home. With the intent on killing it or doing real harm. If it is outside he is not like this. He gets along fine with other animals, but we want a inside dog.


Apparently, your Manx does not tolerate any other animals inside.  Usually, adults tolerate puppies or kittens.  They will always go through the hissing/spitting/posturing behavior upon meeting a strange animal in the house. Has your Manx ever really bitten another cat or dog at home? Cats can look awfully fearsome when they go through their posturing, but normally do no real harm.

You can have a discussion with your vet to see if there is anything you can put your Manx on to gentle him out, but I have little real faith in these types of solutions.

How would you plan on introducing the puppy to the cat?

Best regards... Norm.