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my queen


my cat had 2 kittens in the early hours,both are doing fine. my question is her tummy still feels like theres something in there,his that possible or will the birth process have finished by now?

Hi Kim,

I apologize for not answering sooner.  I hope everything is going well with your cat now.  Did she end up having any more kittens?

Sometimes the labour process can take as long as 24-36 hours.  As long as they are not in active labour (meaning they are having contractions)and they are not uncomfortable, there is no need to worry.  Sometimes a queen will "take a break" and rest with no uterine contractions.  Sometimes they do this if they are interrupted during labour.  

For now, I would say as long as your cat seems comfortable and not in disress, I wouldn't worry.  If she seems to be in distress or if she is in active labour with contractions for 2+ hours and no kittens, take her to your vet immediately.  

Good luck and I hope everything goes well with the kittens.
