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cats & water


I have 2 cats.  I got both at the same time as kittens.  They are now about 18
months old.  One cat loves water, will jump in the shower/tub, etc.  However,
she seems obsessed with her water bowl.  She continually empty the bowl
either by turning it over or using her paw to pull the water out.  Even if you
try to redirect or distract her by playing with her favorite toy, etc., she
obsessively goes back to the bowl.  It's become a problem because the floor
will get wet and I've almost fallen many times.  She does this during the day
and at night.  It's not because it's dirty or not clean, I change it many times a
day.  I've tried regular cat bowels and the kind with the filler bottle.  She
disconnects the filler bottle and empties it too.  What else can I try or do?

HI Pat,

Some cats are just obsessed with water! I have one like this too. If I leave a glass of water on the table he tips it over just to see it trickle all over! He also plays in the shower and come running when I water plants.

I think the solution to your problem is a spill-proof cat bowl:

Also your cat may enjoy a pet water fountain, it may satisfy her need to play with the water without making such a mess. Cats love running water and she might be trying to create her own "river". When I got a pet water fountain my cat stopped tipping over water glasses at least!

There are a few different ones. I have the Drinkwell which has lasted 6 years so far and still going strong:

And there is the "Cat-It" in which the water flows over a bubble surface, which many cats love:

Good luck!