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cat and birthing


A stray cat that has been hanging around since xmas gave birth to kittens the night before last.  We had been gone for 4 days and came home, around 8 pm, to find two kittens in the garage and the queen with another kitten still in the sack.  I got the sack off and she cleaned it up, but it was dead already.  There must have been one partially out and by the time we found it, it too had died.  We put the two live ones with the queen and left them alone to nurse.  The next morning we found one stuck in the birth canal and pulled it out, but it too had died.  I tried cpr on all the dead kittens, but failed to revive them.  No signs of any more kittens.  The queen hasn't cleaned herself up and seems really worn out.  She seems to let the kittens nurse, but doesn't seem to put them to her when they cry.  I got her to lick their bottoms because I read that she has to do that to get them to go potty.  Should I be concerned that she may not take care of the live ones?  She purrs at me, and doesn't seem to mind me touching the kittens or putting the kittens to her to nurse.  I feel really bad that she lost 3 babies and not sure if she is depressed over that.  What do you suggest I do for her and her babies?

Hi Jayne, Cats don't get depressed over the loss of their kittens. they are instinctual with their care of their offspring. It is not a good sign that she had these kittens in the sacs and not cleaned etc. It could indicate a couple of things.
1. she did not have good contractions to get the kittens out in a timely manner.
2. That for some reason she was not cleaning the sacs off as they came out.
3. She may have been too weak to clean them and get them out.
You say that she does not seem to be caring for them very well. This may mean that she is ill. Perhaps she had a uterine infection and that is why she had such a bad delivery and kittens dead etc. Cats do not put the kittens to the nipples but she should be laying on her side so they can nurse and constantly cleaning the kittens etc. Is the mom cat eating ok?? drinking? Does she have diarrhea? I am concerned she is ill and that is why she is not caring for the kittens properly and did not deliver them properly.
Watch her carefully and make sure the kittens are putting on weight every day. If anything looks 'not quite right' I would get her to the vet. she may be quite ill....