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Kitten with puffy eye



My 8 week old kitten is usually very energetic running around with the older cats and playing. Today he was the same until about an hour ago and now he is cuddled up to me and won't play. His eye is pink but not like pink eye a kid would get. It is like the tissue is over the corners of the eyes and won't go back into place. Like the eyeball came put and wasn't put back right. It is puffy and watery. What do you think happened and what can I do to make his eye better again?


He really should see a vet.  It's possible that he scratched his eye while he was playing, and he could develop an ulcer or worse.  They will be able to stain his eye and see if there is anything wrong with it. Until you can take him in you can apply warm compresses to his eye to help him feel a little better.
