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siamese cat pregnate


hi my 7yr old siamese is pregnant again but she hasnt giving birth yet her stomach is hard and nipples are white and crusty can they go over due its my first time having a pregnant cat she was givin to me


The gestation period for cats is usually around 60-68 days with 63 days being the average. If you don't know when your queen was mated it's probably a good idea to have a veterinarian examine her to give you an educated guess of the due date. Vets can perform ultrasounds and x-rays to determine how many kittens there are, what mom's chances of a normal delivery are, the health of the kittens and their positions within the womb. It's as important to provide your cat with good pre-natal care as it is to provide yourself with proper medical care during pregnancy. My concern in this situation is that maybe mom has been in labor but the process has stalled for some reason and that can be dangerous to both mom and kittens which is why I think it's important to have mom examined by a vet within a day or so. I am also willing to offer information about the care of a nursing queen, the socialization of kittens, important things to have in the house in case mom or one of the kittens needs help for some reason, what you can expect during labor and what you should be doing to prepare for the delivery if you like.