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New kitten behavior


Hello. A month ago my aunt called me to retrieve a cat under her house. She despises cats and was going to call animal control. Took me a few days but I caught him. Got him neutered and shots about a week ago. Vet estimated him to be 4 months. Question about his behavior! He is a single cat I have no others. He likes to chew on my face. Why does he do this? He lays on me at night time and licks and bites and chews my chin nose mouth even eyebrow and worst of all my ear lobes or he sticks his tongue in my ear and he will lick me.

Its a natural behavior related to grooming and also to getting milk from his mothers teats. he is very young and so will still have these natural desires to feed from his mother and as you are the closest thing to his mother now he continues the behavior.

It is advisable to try and stop him doing this by gentle moving him away from your face. Its not hygienic for you and if it becomes an ingrained behavior for your cat will be painful too as he gets older. best to gentle wean him off of the behavior now.

best wishes Kate