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Feline Aids


Hello,I have a six year old cat,I love him so much.About a year and a half ago, he started having mouth pain.I took him to the Vet, where I was told he had Stomatitis. He did not respond to the meds. I found out a year ago he has FIV. The Vet thought that by pulling  most of his teeth would stop the infection. So I let her pull them last Jan. It did not help. He has been on every antibioic there is.Right now he is on Sumycin. He can only eat alittle at a time, soft food, that I have to water down, to almost water, he is in so much pain, my Vet says she really does'nt know anymore we can do.She is the third Vet we have been to. He was 20 pounds 18 months ago, he is at 7 pounds now, hopefully you know something, anything? I love him, he is very important to me. We have spent about $3000.00, so far, but he is worth every penny of it, Thank You, and God bless

Feline FIV is fatal.  There is no cure for it, the only thing you can do is make him feel better.  I wish I had better news for you, but just like HIV kills human's immune system and then they contract other problems that they can't fight off, FIV does the same in cats.  It sounds like you've done everything possible, so unfortunately it might be time to think about making final arrangements for him.  I'm really sorry.
