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my angry cat


I keep my cat with me in my office, he's made it a habbit not to roam around the building until closing. Recently I was having my office painted so I moved him to the basement. He was not happy about that. As soon as I let him go he clawed at me and made this horrobale sound. It sounded like a horror scream,high and long. Anyway he was only in the basement for one week, and know he hisses at me and he's still doing that high pitch screeching.He won't let me get close to him let alone bring him back to the office. Have I lost my cat?

sounds like your cat is a little distressed due to his recent experience. it may be that you will have to build the bonds between you again. See my page about bonding with your cat here

It may seem strange to have to start from scratch again, but as far as your cat is concerned he has lost confidence in you and needs to be reassured again.

best wishes