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Cat sucking


I have 2, 5 month old kittens - brothers. I received them at about 6-7 weeks old, as my friend's cats had kittens and they needed a good home. My friend was going to Europe and it would have been to much for a kitten sitter to watch over their cats as well as a litter of kittens. So they were separated from their mother at a relatively young age (6-7 weeks). And since I've received them 1 of the kitten's loves to suck on the other's nipple. It's also this kitten sucking on the other's nipple and never the other way around. I've read up a little on this and it seems that since they were taken away from their mother at such a young age they miss their mum's warmth and comfort and do this to kind of feel secure and remember their mom's comfort. I was wondering if their is any training to teach the kitten not to do this, as the other kitten being suckled seems not to like it. I also just want this kitten to grow out of it and wish to kinda guide him along the way. - Thanks for any help, Anthony


Normally kittens outgrow this kind of thing, eventually.

However, you may be able to check with your vet to see if there is something on the market besides "Bitter Apple" you can use on the suspect nipple to discourage the one kitten from suckling on the other's nipple.

Other than that, I know of little one can really do to discourage this.

Best regards... Norm.