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lost tabby cat


Yes, the vet basically told me everything you did as well, as I called them right after I emailed you.. she was a little dehydrated and hasn't been drinking much water but there is water in the canned food and she's getting plenty of that, plus she has had some cream too (can't help but spoil her again) - will moniter her feces as I may have to take a sample to the vet to be on the safe side. I still can't believe she's home, I was screaming and crying with joy and everyone I knew was crying with me!!

Since she's been on the meds, it seems she is slowly returning to her old self, one thing I surely missed was her kisses on my forehead and she's given me LOTS of those!!!!  The door has been opened a few times and she's not even TRYING to get out, I'm sure she had quite the adventure and is not willing to do it again anytime soon!!!

Thank you again for all of your advice and prayers, you obviously know what you are doing and I'm glad to run into someone like you who helped me out in my time of need.

Another reunited dream came true and thank you again!!!!!!!!!!!

Followup To

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Hi Debbie,

Haven't heard from you yet, but I left a message saying a lady found TYLER , she is now HOME!!!

I've checked her out at the vet, and she had a bit of a cough, so she is on meds now, but I have a question -- she is eating SO much , she's had about 7 tins in the past 4 days now, is this normal? I can understand she may be hungry from not eating much out in the wilderness, but as to that many tins? Also, she has only had one bowel movement, but is has been a very foul one. Her urine seems normal , could you please send me your opinion as to what this is all about? Thanks

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Followup To

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Followup To

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It's been a total of 9 days now and my beautiful girl hasn't come home. She is a domesticated, declawed tabby who has never been out this long ever. She is spayed and knew how to open screen doors on her own. She has been seen (if it was her) across the river on one occasion and across the highway on another. I never wanted her to be an outdoor cat and remained indoors for the 6 years I've had her. I've done everything I could as to putting up posters, talking to neighbours, shelters, vets, I've scattered her litter around the house. I've put out some of my clothes out and have called for her verbally as well mentally. What are the chances of her returning?

Answer -
My heartfelt sympathy on your girl that isn't home yet...

Put out TONS of water dishes around your house, location as water is #1 to keeping them alive while we try to capture your lost one.  How old is she?  How many times has she gotten out, and what was the longest time?

She probably will NOT answer when you call - they go into a scared, hidey mode when freaked out and nothing against you - but they are afraid for their lives and do this for protection!  She WILL come out from about sunset until sunrise.

Put one or two stations full of her favorite treaties near by where you can watch from inside perhaps on a weekend night all night to see if you can see her coming to eat.  

I would get a large cat trap as well.  When you put a trap out, water outside, the food about 1/3 of the way in and use bungie cords to "lock it open", so she can freely go in and out for several days - the trap becomes part of the outdoor scenery then, and won't be so scary for her to check out.

You have a great chance of getting her back!  If she is declawed and spayed she is also VERY low on the pecking order of the local cats, so not in very much danger from the other stray/ferals.  

Please let me know what is going on, as I have been traveling but now am settled back into my new place and will be on this board more often!

Think peaceful thoughts when you are out.  I know how hard THIS is to do, but having frantic, panic attacks while out looking for her, she can also "read", so calm, happy thoughts of her life with you inside, picture her walking up to your door, or inside a trap and how much loving she will get when she returns - I am a believer in the spirit between our animals and us (their loving owners), so keep calling her mentally and send pictures of what love she had before, and how much you will give her upon return.

Please let me know what else you are doing, and we'll keep working from there.  I was traveling, but am now able to get back on the boards regularly and would love to keep in touch to help get her home to you!

Thank you,


Thank you so much for responding and keeping my hopes up on her return. As I stated, I've had Tyler for 6 years and believe her to be about 8 yrs or so. It's been a total of 2 weeks today since she has been gone and I personally don't think she is anywhere in the neighbourhood. She is a very nosey and stubborn little girl.. This really is her first time out and there are critters around as I live in the woods, my only answer is that someone might have taken her in if she has wandered so far. If shw WAS close to home, I DO believe she would have come back already...
All I can really do now is mentally call her as you stated and think of how much she is loved and how much love she will get upon her return. She is a very affectionate cat although may run from strangers, however I think if she is hungry , she may just allow another stranger to feed her. There are so many different scenerios that I'm thinking of on where she could be I am just beside myself thinking of where she might be. Unfortunately, she doesn't have a break away collar so that troubles me, but if someone were to see her, she does have a regular collar with her name and phone number on it. I know cats have a good sense of thier home is, but if it has rained a few times , would they have lost their bearings?

So many questions and possiblities of her situation, I just hope she is safe and will return soon, I am lost without her..

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Hey Pebbles, I would bet real money that she isn't more than 1 mile from your house - just in "freaked out" mode!  I've noticed this with cats that almost never get out, when they do and dash this way or that, they STAY VERY CLOSE, but do NOT come when called, nor stray far away from where they are!  Your biggest task is to try and not go totally nuts (been there, done that : - ) and I know how very hard it is, but here are tasks that will keep you actively doing something to get her to "find" home again!

1 - Get at least 2 water bowls outside (fresh water daily), and put ONE - near where you will eventually put a humane trap!  Somewhere you can either watch from inside your car, or from a window inside.

2 - Put her favorite dried food down at both stations, but at the station you can see, we will begin putting a kitty feast down.  Besides the dry food, add some nibbles of 3 things - tuna in oil, Jack Mackerl (found in the same aisle as tuna usually), and sardines.  Don't put too much out, it's more for the smell than to feed on.  Also here is where you would put her favorite canned cat food.

3 - Change the water and put fresh food and Feast food down 1/2 hour before sunset every night.  After a week you should see signs of the food at one, or both stations being eaten.

4- When you can (and for as long as you can!), watch out the window from sunset until sunup... this is when the wee lost ones, strays and ferals will come check out your stations.  Have a notebook with you and write down what time any cat shows up, from which direction and which direction it goes off to, and make note of it's coloring.

Writing down where each cat comes from and where it goes to will give us the "general kitty pathways".  These pathways are used by ALL the wandering cats and are not territorial as fighting areas.

If you notice dogs coming to your stations, remove the sardines only.

Yes there are many critters out there, but most will leave your cat alone, as many know cats usually have claws and there is easier prey for them : - )  

Cats have a sense of "home" only if they were indoor/outdoor cats and have had multiple opportunities to wander an area.  Even then they will only get lost/found typically within a 2-3 mile radius.  

Think down... what land flows down very near you?  Cats like to travel down paths.  Also when you note the kitty pathways, this will also give us other ideas for planting traps.

Oh hon, my very soul feels what you are going through and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy!  My thoughts and prayers are with you and know that we will DO everything we can to get her to come back!  

I'd LOVE to hear from you in only a few days to make sure you have the 2 stations set up and have been able to catch a few hours of watching time to see what's up ok?

Also, check with the city on ordances about putting up flyers on the telephone poles (if any) nearby you.  I'll make up a flyer for you to get the most bang for your buck, and get other folks watching for you too.  PLEASE write me anytime, as my heart hurts for you knowing what you are going through.  Deep breaths, get into a routine of fresh water, food and feast just before sunset and settle down and watch until you must go to bed and let's see what the next day or two brings.

I'm online daily and will be thinking of you, so please take care of YOU during this time too and write soon so we'll know what's happening at those food stations.

Take Care, Debbie  

Hi Debbie,

Just wanted to follow up in regards to Tyler. There still has been no signs of her whatsoever, it has been mentioned to me that someone might have taken her in and for some reason, I get that 'gut' feeling too. The flyers that I posted in a certain area have all been torn down. I plan to put up more in case they were down due to weather or in fact someone actually tore them down. I went in that area and knocked on doors and talked to several people in that area and all have said they haven't seen her. My suspicions are that someone may have her in a cage and has denied they've seen her. My only hopes are that if I keep calling her mentally, she will find a way out and come back home. At this point, I don't know what else to do.... Please let me know if you have any other suggestions - I will keep you posted if she does return.

Thank you for all your advice thus far...

Best regards,


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Hi Pebbles, next time you flyer that one special area, get back there around supper time and sit in your car from a little ways, to try to SEE who is tearing them down (they may be 1. mad about the posters, or 2. your best suspect, or 3. idiot kids in the neighborhood!).  Do you have a reward on there?  Money makes people sit up and take NOTICE of what is going on more than anything else you say on that poster, beside a good photo of your cat!  Hate to say that as a "general blanket statement" but people are greedy, and if you post a $250.00 reward (nothing compared to your heartache and what you probably would be willing to spend on vet bills in a year for your dear Tyler).  BUT it will get more people looking and perhaps even the young adults out scouting around FOR YOU.  

I'm a big believer in gut feelings, but with all feelings being tossed around right now, keep doing the fresh water and kitty feast in your yard too!

It could take from 2-3 weeks before Tyler comes out of hiding enough for anyone to see him!  That is what happens when they do get outside and freaked... hide, hunker down and survive is their way.  

Does that neighborhood have maybe a local code about posting flyers?  How many houses are we talking about?  If not many, write down their address and do a postal mailing to just that area, since they are being torn down.  

Don't give up hope!  I saw one of my missing cats (lost in Albuquerque where I didn't even LIVE), during one of my oh so many trips back to sit on the street and watch where they got lost, months after being lost, still coming to the SAME place they were lost at, because fresh food and water was always there for them, so they stuck around!  MONTHS and even after a year, I still could go and sit watching all night and see my 10 year old keep coming!  So please don't give up on Tyler yet... I personally know that it takes between 2-3 WEEKS before they will let anyone even see them usually, so hope is NOT lost hon!  

Even IF worst case someone took your cat, ALWAYS take someone with you when getting a call to come LOOK at a cat call from someone saying they may have yours... this is sometimes a terrible scam to see how much you'll pay.  That is why *I* recommend putting an amount on the poster right up front what you are willing for the safe return, or a tip leading to Tylers safe return.  Then you get to decide which tips DO lead to his return.

Chin up, DEEP BREATHING to relieve your heartfelt stress, and keep the water and food stations up as your routine at the same time just before sunset and watch as long as you can.  Hopefully this weekend you'll have more time to sit and watch those stations for most of the night, and will see a few cats (and maybe even Tyler) come snacking, then we are off to the second phase... Trapping him !!!

Thinking of you and Tyler,  Check back with me in a few days to let me know what foods, time and routine you ARE doing and if you have had a chance over the weekend to do any serious all night watching of the kitty food stations.


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Hey Pebbles, Glad you had her checked out!  What was the cough about, did the Vet know?  All 4 of mine went through a "cold" and passed it around that only lasted about 1 week, so they do transmit it around the cat population quickly.  

Yes, they will tend to over eat their favorite foods once back at home, but this will pass and she will get back into her routine with you.  The foul passing of the bowl movement is most likely from the "odd" things she had to eat while she was gone.  Lots of loving, tons of YOUR water (what she was used to drinking, instead of from puddles, or other sources), and as the Vet probably told you, keep an eye on her for a few weeks to make sure (other than the cough), she is back to herself once again.  

Did he say if she was dehydrated or not?  I am so glad you've already run her in for a check up (I got booked at my work and am sorry that I just got around to answering you earlier this morning where I suggested that ha ha!)  

Thank God she is safe at home ((((((Pebbles and Tyler))))) SO glad to hear another great "home again" story here!

If she doesn't have another bowl movement, or move more into her regular habits in another few days, you may want to call your vet and ask him to let you bring in what bowl sample you can to have that looked at - just in case she picked up any type of intestinal worms (easy to cure, easy to pick up while outdoors and could cause overeating as well).

Thank you again for letting me know your Tyler is safe at home in your arms.  I know you were BEAMING when you got the call (though perhaps sceptical), once you saw her I would be sobbing and can only imagine how happy your moment was to be reunited!  Always in my thoughts and prayers you too - Pebbles and Tyler


Thank YOU for being a devoted kitty mom who kept going knowing your cat WAS out there wanting to come home.  I was THRILLED you were reunited, and now I'm suprised to see this "question" still sitting in my AllExperts que LOL.  I've written the Technicians about removing it, but did want to let you know YOU are the BEST kitty mom!  

Have a blessed, safe happy holiday with your loved ones.