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leaving my kitty for good


Hi, I'm about to make a big move down to Florida and I'm leaving my cat (whom I've had for 5 years since he was a kitten) with my room mate in the house he's grew up in. This was a difficult decision but I didn't want to stress him out on the long trip to Florida from Canada and I also wanted to leave him with my room mates cat, Luna. The 2 are truly best buddies. I know when I am gone he cries at the top of the stairs for me (told that by room mate). We are very close and I love him very much. I am so sad, do you think it will be hard on him to never see me again?


Cats do suffer from separation anxiety.  However, cats are also very, very practical, so they tend to get over separation anxiety in a matter of weeks.

Nothing is irrevocable.  If, after a number of weeks, your kitty is still unhappy about you not being there, you can always come back to Canada and retrieve him.  All in all, cats often get just as attached to places as to people, so, he may do just fine being left in Canada in a home he knows, with people he knows, and with his buddy.

Best regards... Norm.