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Adopted Adult Cat Behavior


My fiancee and I adopted a 2 year old cat the other day, and he isn't taking to
the place all that well.  If we hold and pet him he'll sit with us, but any sudden
movement or loud noise and he'll jump down and head straight under the bed.  
He sat under the bed all night last night and doesn't seem to come out unless
we coax him to.  What can we do to make him more comfortable and maybe less

Hi William,

All that you need is time , kind words, and little treats. He is going to be skitterish for a few weeks until he gets used to you and the lay of the land. If you talk to him in a quiet friendly voice and give him special treats, (deli chicken, American cheese, or even the soft pounce treats)he is going to respond to you in a positive way.
He will get used to you and will come to you but it's going to take a little time. Good luck and let me know what happens.

Ciao, Karen