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pancreatitis in cats


have to have a ultra sound on my cat for this what do you what to expect  am very wooried not keeping her food down and blood test show high count in this n


I am not entirely sure what you are dealing with illness wise. I am not a veterinarian, but I hope that your vet is ethical enough to only recommend the necessary tests. I am not sure what blood counts are high as you do not mention that in your question. In terms of an ultrasound what you do need to know is that it isn't a painful procedure, but if your cat is particularly difficult he/she may be sedated to preserve the image quality. Some clinics will sedate cats for imaging as a matter of course, so be sure to check that because if your cat is to recieve sedation he/she can't be fed for a certain period of time (in my experience approximately 12 hours or so). If you are concerned about your cat keeping food and fluids down you really should consult your vet regarding the best course of action. I am not comfortable recommending any treatments, firstly because I am not a veterinarian, and secondly because you provide very little detail in your email. One option that you can ask your vet about is whether your cat's nausea can be treated with an anti nauseant drug such as dimehydrinate. The dosage of this drug varies by weight, so you will need to see first off whether it is okay to use for your cat's condition and second off what dosage is appropriate for your cat's weight. Having a sick animal, especially one that isn't keeping food down can be very stressful. You should ask your vet also if he/she is concerned about dehydration with all of the vomiting that you describe. If dehydration is a concern your cat may need to be hospitalized to receive IV fluids. Good luck with your cat. I wish that I could tell you more, however as I have mentionned I am not a vet. If you have any other questions or concerns that are not medical in nature feel free to contact me again.